When Two Became Three

So, something interesting happened this week. We have picked up a 43 year old Columbian man named Dario who has been living off his bike for – wait for it – 9 years! He worked here and there for money by making bracelets to sell or trade and has also been asking the locals for food. He is living proof that this challenge is possible! Dario told us that some countries are easier to travel in than others and travelling through Peru was much easier than travelling through Ecuador. It turns out that whilst Dario was travelling through Ecuador, he was sadly mugged one night whilst he was sleeping. He was jumped by a group of people who ripped his tent apart, beat him up and stole all his belongings. So with it being safer to travel with others, we have made our group of 2 a 3 and all travelling together!


Dario has the same goal as us; he would like to cycle to Argentina and with no money however, having been going at this longer than Cho and I, Dario is a lot more experienced than us at getting food. He will approach different houses asking for small ingredients; like some rice, a tomato, an onion etc and that way people are more willing to give these to you rather than a plate of food which is what we had been asking for. So as a team of 3, we are much stronger! It’s funny how some people really take great joy is helping and giving, whilst others simply just close the door. So far the Peruvians have been very generous and kind and it looks like I might end up leaving here fatter than I started!